At Bellfield Infant School we believe the ‘curriculum’ is everything to which the children are exposed to while at school.

Evidence shows that children learn more rapidly in the first seven years of life than at any other time. We recognise that children enter school at different starting points academically, socially and emotionally and in their personal development. Through our curriculum provision we aim to ensure all children’s needs are met enabling everyone to achieve and reach their full potential.

Our aim is to make our curriculum in its widest sense, interesting and enjoyable and which develops early curiosity and that desire to want to learn and find things out both in school and in the wider world.

Our curriculum provides opportunities for all our children to understand and value everyone from whatever cultural background or ability. We expect our children to develop the skills required to enable them to be good citizens of the future showing respect and consideration for others and having an innate understanding of the qualities of truth, honesty, fairness and perseverance.

Our curriculum provision develops these skills and qualities in our children.

At Bellfield there are two Key Stages:

  • Foundation Stage – This key stage consists of our Nursery provision and our Reception classes. Children can start in Nursery in September providing they are already 3 years old. Once the Nursery year is completed children move to Reception the following September.
  • Key Stage 1 – This key stage is comprised of Year 1 (children aged 5/6) and Year 2 (aged 6/7).


At Bellfield Infant School we believe the ‘curriculum’ is everything to which the children are exposed to while at school.

Evidence shows that children learn more rapidly in the first seven years of life than at any other time. We recognise that children enter school at different starting points academically, socially and emotionally and in their personal development. Through our curriculum provision we aim to ensure all children’s needs are met enabling everyone to achieve and reach their full potential.

Our aim is to make our curriculum in its widest sense, interesting and enjoyable and which develops early curiosity and that desire to want to learn and find things out both in school and in the wider world.

Our curriculum provides opportunities for all our children to understand and value everyone from whatever cultural background or ability. We expect our children to develop the skills required to enable them to be good citizens of the future showing respect and consideration for others and having an innate understanding of the qualities of truth, honesty, fairness and perseverance.

Our curriculum provision develops these skills and qualities in our children.

At Bellfield there are two Key Stages:

  • Foundation Stage – This key stage consists of our Nursery provision and our Reception classes. Children can start in Nursery in September providing they are already 3 years old. Once the Nursery year is completed children move to Reception the following September.
  • Key Stage 1 – This key stage is comprised of Year 1 (children aged 5/6) and Year 2 (aged 6/7).